Keeping to the Point

At Medlar Publishing Solutions we provide more than just a regular typesetter or ebook conversion house, we also help a number of publishers with content creation and production editorial. A key case in point is indeed our key points service, which is an advanced level of indexing. We employ doctorate scholars in biology, chemistry and physics to review a publisher’s articles and write short 30 or so word snippets that help summarise the article to the time-pressed reader. This is then typeset along the left and right-hand sides of pages to give a short, succinct version of the article.

This service is ideal for STM publishers producing either monographs or journals. It opens up lengthy time consuming articles to be read by a wider time-conscious audience, who can follow up and read more in depth, when a key point stokes their interest.

Time is money, as the saying goes. Medlar Publishing Solutions have experts on hand to index large volumes of information. I hope we’ve made our point.

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