XML and Ebook conversion

XML is a markup language with a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. XML standardizes digitalization across the Internet and various operating systems.

An ebook is an electronic book in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, accessible on computers, mobile devices, and proprietary e-readers.


Your brand’s audience wants to access your material digitally – at their convenience. It is essential that your organisation keeps ahead of that demand to serve your customers’ needs. XML, meaning ‘extensible markup language’, is a software format which allows you to do that! Our team at Medlar Publishing Solutions will utilize XML to help you not only display content on the internet, but to save it.

Any of your digital content and other manuscripts can be converted into the XML format suitable for electronic publishing. XML will allow your content to be accessible on multi platforms such as Kindle and Palm Reader as well as the internet. Our specialists will use their technical know-how to professionally structure your content ready for a larger online audience via XML conversion.  That means you will be able to expand your target audience in no time at all! Extras can be included, upon request, including tools for debugging and checking the validity of any existing XML content.


E-books are matching printed publications in popularity. Electronic publishing is of major importance to serve customers’ needs. Medlar Publishing Solutions is pleased to offer a comprehensive e-book service, from beginning to end. You state the need – we meet that need. We can offer simple PDF files of your manuscript or present the final readable ebook version. Our staff can convert the copy to digital content and even design the layout. You won’t find a more affordable ebook service than Medlar Publishing Solutions and that’s a promise!